Northbound Treatment Services

Northbound Treatment Services
California, US
(866) 538-4356
Northbound Treatment Services recognizes alcoholism and drug dependency as a primary, progressive, chronic, and potentially fatal disease, which is centered in the brain, and frequently confounded by co-occurring personal and environmental factors. The disease is characterized by generally predictable stages resulting in bio-psychosocial and spiritual deterioration and negatively impacts the entire family system.
What does all this mean? It means you’re in the right place! It means that when you drink alcohol or use drugs bad things happen in your life. And in spite of these negative consequences you continue to drink and use drugs. Welcome to the insidious cycle of addiction. And we’re experts at interrupting this cycle.
The Northbound treatment program is designed along a proven continuum of care intended to address the individual needs of each client as they move through the specific treatment phases. Starting with detox, each phase builds upon the other, and encompasses a variety of biological, social, spiritual, and psychological interventions constructed to support the client’s entry into early recovery.
At the heart of the Northbound treatment approach is group therapy which is a highly recognized tool for growth and change and extremely effective in working with addicted individuals. In group, clients learn from each other, realize they’re neither unique nor alone, benefit from multiple perspectives, and acquire new interpersonal skills that they can use in everyday life.
In addition, clients will benefit from our gender specific, holistic approach to treating this disease, which includes an inter-disciplinary treatment team consisting of physicians/psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, therapists, case managers, family counselors, and client advocates. These professionals work in concert with other to assure the most effective plan of care is in place for each client.
At Northbound Treatment Services we know that treatment is just a beginning in what hopefully will be a life-time of recovery. We embrace the philosophy of Alcoholics Anonymous, believe in the power of the 12-steps to assist in transforming lives, encourage connection through sponsorship, require 12-step meeting attendance, and demonstrate that there is fun to be found in sobriety.Our evidence-based addiction treatment services have a proven track record of helping individuals recover from drug & alcohol addiction.