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So far jessicajobes has created 8 blog entries.

    What Science Says To Do If Your Loved One Has An Opioid Addiction

    Maia Szalavitz believes that science can be an effective option for those struggling with an opioid addiction. She should know. She’s had to go through her own struggle with heroin and cocaine addiction. For almost 30 years, Szalavitz has been doing research and has written about addiction and drug policy and what she has found

      The Power of Music in Recovery

      The Northbound Experience focuses on effectively delivering innovative treatment with an exceptionally strong commitment to help their clients find new direction and strength on their road to recovery. One such innovative treatment program that’s gathering attention is Northbound's Music Program:   "The music program at Northbound gave me the incredible opportunity to record some songs

        Cocaine Use Signs and Symptoms

        Signs and Symptoms of Cocaine Use Cocaine is a stimulant drug, which means it speeds up the central nervous system and leaves users with a feeling of exhilaration. Cocaine abuse can be extremely dangerous. The drug is a very powerful stimulant that affects both the brain and the heart. A person who uses this drug

          Drug Use Signs and Symptoms – Parent CRAFT

          Is it Drugs or is it Just Teenage Angst? Sure, you’ve been a parent for a long time now, but not too long that you have forgotten how navigating life as a teenager is a challenge. Just getting used to new hormones and feelings is enough to turn your “little princess” or “huggy bear” into

            “Heroin: Cape Cod, USA” airs on HBO

            Opiate-related overdose deaths have quadrupled in the U.S. since 2001. In 2014, Massachusetts had more than 1,250 deaths from heroin overdose; today, 85 percent of the crimes on Cape Cod are opiate-related. Heroin: Cape Cod, USA is a look at the heroin epidemic currently sweeping America's small towns and communities, focusing on eight young heroin

              5 communication tools to help you speak to your teen about drugs or alcohol

              Seeing your child's drug and alcohol problem spin out of control and being unable to help is an excruciating experience. If communication has all but stopped between you and your child, worry is a constant in your life. With the right communication tools, though, you don't have to feel helpless any longer. Addiction expert Dr. Robert Meyers says these five

                Teen drug use: It’s never too early to intervene

                You're flooded with many different emotions when you know your teen is using drugs or alcohol. Often you're concerned, but not sure what to do. Is this just an experimental stage that will pass? Is he just being a typical rebellious teen? You tell yourself that as long as it doesn't get out of hand,

                  5 signs you need help with your kid’s drug and alcohol use

                  Do you suspect your teen has been experimenting with drugs? Perhaps you’ve already found drugs and alcohol and know it’s a fact. As a parent, you want to help your child, but it’s not easy knowing the most effective way to make a difference. “Parents often try a number of different methods to combat their

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